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Found 51 results
Li H
Chalavi S
Rasooli A
Rodríguez-Nieto G
Seer C
Mikkelsen M
Edden RAE
Sunaert S
Peeters R
Mantini D
et al.
. 2024.
Baseline GABA+ levels in areas associated with sensorimotor control predict initial and long-term motor learning progress.
Hum Brain Mapp. 45(1):e26537.
Gao Y
Liu Y
Zhao S
Liu Y
Zhang C
Hui S
Mikkelsen M
Edden RAE
Meng X
Yu B
et al.
. 2024.
MRS study on the correlation between frontal GABA+/Glx ratio and abnormal cognitive function in medication-naive patients with narcolepsy.
Sleep Med. 119:1-8.
Rasooli A
Chalavi S
Li H
Seer C
Adab HZivari
Mantini D
Sunaert S
Mikkelsen M
Edden RAE
Swinnen SP
. 2024.
Neural correlates of transfer of learning in motor coordination tasks: role of inhibitory and excitatory neurometabolites.
Sci Rep. 14(1):3251.
Poldrack RA
Markiewicz CJ
Appelhoff S
Ashar YK
Auer T
Baillet S
Bansal S
Beltrachini L
Benar CG
Bertazzoli G
et al.
. 2024.
The Past, Present, and Future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).
Imaging Neuroscience.
Peek AL
Rebbeck TJ
Leaver AM
Foster SL
Refshauge KM
Puts NA
Oeltzschner G
MRS Expert Panel
. 2023.
A comprehensive guide to MEGA-PRESS for GABA measurement.
Anal Biochem. 669:115113.
Bojesen KBorup
Rostrup E
Sigvard AKorning
Mikkelsen M
Edden RAE
Ebdrup BHylsebeck
Glenthøj B
. 2023.
The Trajectory of Prefrontal GABA levels in Initially Antipsychotic-Naïve Patients with Psychosis during Two Years Treatment and associations with Striatal Cerebral Blood Flow and Outcome.
Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging.
Craven AR
Bhattacharyya PK
Clarke WT
Dydak U
Edden RAE
Ersland L
Mandal PK
Mikkelsen M
Murdoch JB
Near J
et al.
. 2022.
Comparison of seven modelling algorithms for γ-aminobutyric acid-edited proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
NMR Biomed. 35(7):e4702.
Mikkelsen M
Huddleston DA
Crocetti D
Cecil KM
Singer HS
Edden RAE
Gilbert DL
Mostofsky SH
Puts NAJ
. 2022.
Frequency and Intensity of Premonitory Urges-to-Tic in Tourette Syndrome Is Associated With Supplementary Motor Area GABA+ Levels
Mov Disord. 37(3):563-573.
Ueno F
Nakajima S
Iwata Y
Honda S
Torres-Carmona E
Mar W
Tsugawa S
Truong P
Plitman E
Noda Y
et al.
. 2022.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in the midcingulate cortex and clozapine response in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H-MRS) study
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 76(11):587-594.
Rogan M
Friend AT
Rossetti GMk
Edden R
Mikkelsen M
Oliver SJ
Macdonald JH
Mullins PG
. 2022.
Hypoxia alters posterior cingulate cortex metabolism during a memory task: A 1H fMRS study
Neuroimage. 260:119397.
Gong T
Zöllner HJ
Song Y
Murali-Manohar S
Oeltzschner G
Mikkelsen M
Tapper S
Chen Y
Saleh MG
et al.
. 2022.
The macromolecular MR spectrum does not change with healthy aging
Magn Reson Med. 87(4):1711-1719.
Clarke WT
Bell TK
Emir UE
Mikkelsen M
Oeltzschner G
Shamaei A
Soher BJ
Wilson M
. 2022.
NIfTI-MRS: A standard data format for magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Magn Reson Med. 88(6):2358-2370.
Basu SK
Pradhan S
Barnett SD
Mikkelsen M
Kapse KJ
Murnick J
Quistorff JL
Lopez CA
Plessis AJ du
Limperopoulos C
. 2022.
Regional Differences in Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid and Glutamate Concentrations in the Healthy Newborn Brain
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 43(1):125-131.
Cuypers K
Hehl M
van Aalst J
Chalavi S
Mikkelsen M
Van Laere K
Dupont P
Mantini D
Swinnen SP
. 2021.
Age-related GABAergic differences in the primary sensorimotor cortex: A multimodal approach combining PET, MRS and TMS
Neuroimage. 226:117536.
Rideaux R
Mikkelsen M
Edden RAE
. 2021.
Comparison of methods for spectral alignment and signal modelling of GABA-edited MR spectroscopy data
Neuroimage. 232:117900.
Wodka E
Tommerdahl M
Edden RAE
Mikkelsen M
Mostofsky SH
Puts NAJ
. 2021.
Disorder-specific alterations of tactile sensitivity in neurodevelopmental disorders
Commun Biol. 4(1):97.
Tapper S
Mikkelsen M
Dewey BE
Zöllner HJ
Oeltzschner G
Edden RAE
. 2021.
Frequency and phase correction of J-difference edited MR spectra using deep learning
Magn Reson Med. 85(4):1755-1765.
Mikkelsen M
Zöllner HJ
Ahluwalia V
Alcauter S
Baltusis L
Barany DA
Barlow LR
Becker R
Berman JI
et al.
. 2021.
Frequency drift in MR spectroscopy at 3T
Neuroimage. 241:118430.
Hupfeld KE
Hyatt HW
P Jerez A
Mikkelsen M
Hass CJ
Edden RAE
Seidler RD
Porges EC
. 2021.
In Vivo Brain Glutathione is Higher in Older Age and Correlates with Mobility
Cereb Cortex. 31(10):4576-4594.
Verstraelen S
Cuypers K
Maes C
Hehl M
Van Malderen S
Levin O
Mikkelsen M
Meesen RLJ
Swinnen SP
. 2021.
Neurophysiological modulations in the (pre)motor-motor network underlying age-related increases in reaction time and the role of GABA levels - a bimodal TMS-MRS study
Neuroimage. 243:118500.
Oeltzschner G
Mikkelsen M
Deronda A
Harris AD
Crocetti D
Wodka EL
Mostofsky SH
Edden RAE
Puts NAJ
. 2021.
Region-specific elevations of glutamate + glutamine correlate with the sensory symptoms of autism spectrum disorders
Transl Psychiatry. 11(1):411.
Dolfen N
Veldman MP
Gann MA
von Leupoldt A
Puts NAJ
Edden RAE
Mikkelsen M
Swinnen S
Schwabe L
Albouy G
et al.
. 2021.
A role for GABA in the modulation of striatal and hippocampal systems under stress
Commun Biol. 4(1):1033.
Song Y
Gong T
Xiang Y
Mikkelsen M
Wang G
Edden RAE
. 2021.
Single-dose L-dopa increases upper brainstem GABA in Parkinson's disease: A preliminary study
J Neurol Sci. 422:117309.
Song Y
Gong T
Saleh MG
Mikkelsen M
Wang G
Edden RAE
. 2021.
Upper brainstem GABA levels in Parkinson's disease
MAGMA. 34(5):689-696.
Považan M
Mikkelsen M
Berrington A
Bhattacharyya PK
Brix MK
Buur PF
Cecil KM
Chan KL
Chen DYT
Craven AR
et al.
. 2020.
Comparison of Multivendor Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy Data Acquired in Healthy Brain at 26 Sites
Radiology. 295(1):171-180.
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