MRS study on the correlation between frontal GABA+/Glx ratio and abnormal cognitive function in medication-naive patients with narcolepsy.

TitleMRS study on the correlation between frontal GABA+/Glx ratio and abnormal cognitive function in medication-naive patients with narcolepsy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsGao Y, Liu Y, Zhao S, Liu Y, Zhang C, Hui S, Mikkelsen M, Edden RAE, Meng X, Yu B, Xiao L
JournalSleep Med
Date Published2024 Apr 06

OBJECTIVE: To compare the GABA+/Glx (glutamate-glutamine) ratio in the prefrontal lobe under non-rapid eye movement sleep between patients with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) and normal controls and explore the correlation between this difference and abnormal cognitive function, using synchronous electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (EEG-fMRS).

METHODS: MRS measurements of GABA+ and Glx concentrations as well as synchronous EEG data were obtained from 26 medication-naive patients with NT1 and 29 sex- and age-matched healthy community volunteers. Cognition was appraised with the Beijing version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and daytime sleepiness was measured using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. All subjects recorded a 2-week sleep log as well as an overnight polysomnography within 1 week before MR scanning to understand their sleep habits and determine sleep stages. After PSG, they also underwent multiple sleep latency trials. Patient/control group differences in the individual measurements of GABA+ and Glx and the GABA+/Glx ratio and their relationship with cognition were assessed.

RESULTS: The GABA+/Glx ratio and GABA + levels of patients with narcolepsy were higher than those of the control group (P<0.0001 and P = 0.0008, respectively). However, there was no significant difference in Glx levels (P = 0.6360). The GABA+/Glx ratio negatively correlated with abnormal cognitive function (r = -0.6710, P = 0.0002). Moreover, GABA + levels were inversely proportional to rapid eye movement sleep latency (REML) in patients with narcolepsy (r = -0.5019, P = 0.0106).

CONCLUSION: The GABA+/Glx ratio in the prefrontal lobe was higher in NT1 patients during N2 sleep than in normal controls, mainly caused by GABA + levels; this ratio was negatively related to abnormal cognitive function. In addition, GABA + levels were inversely proportional to REML.

Alternate JournalSleep Med
PubMed ID38626481